Tuesday, October 24, 2006

KARAOKE TAXI'S!!!!! and the best things in life......

So.....it's been a busy few weeks. Nipped over to Limerick a couple weekends ago to catch up with 'the mad Sarah'. Self-timer and arm-extension shots a plenty, multiple hugs and laughing at irish signs done with, nipped back home.
Then, went to Manchester on the weekend to have a mini-reunion with my dear mates I trained with in enzed. Present and (in)correct were: me, Varsh, Ash, Anna (who's house we took over), Ange, Brenda. Missing in Action was Amy, who had better things to do (well, she said she couldn't get away) but that was ok, cos me and Ash imitated her the whole weekend so we wouldn't miss the bouncy happiness that is the A-to-the-M-to-the-Y. Also missing in action were Lisa and Tish and Shazza but they had a nearly reasonable excuse, being on the other side of the world (you in favona lisa bro?)

My word it was good.
Being woken up 7.30am on sat am to watch the NPC final by Anna's fulla (moooooloooos) made me realise how choice kiwi's are. As also was my inability to speak anything apart from 'bro-speak'. At one stage there were 10 kiwi's in a 3-bedroomed end-terrace house, and boy it was funny walking out the door to suburban manchester.

so we mucked about central manchester, going to cool shops and had lunch in a record shop, yes, proper records, where I even found a 'traditional maori songs' 33". cher bro. sum cuz musta left ut thur eh bro....Varsh even got a shopping fix, although her time in Wales has raised concerns that the queen of 'accessorise, accessorise, accessorise, girls!' has turned into 'where can i get the best trackies from?'.
but the bestest ever was on deciding to dine on 'the curry mile', after putting off the taxi for the 6th time and then it not coming, and then taking 15 self-timer shots (just one more!) we dashed for the taxi and lo! and behold. The reason modern technology should be embraced....

A KARAOKE TAXI! I thought my eyes were decieving me till Anna confirmed that indeed the wee screen behind the driver's seat was nothing but a monitor for the karaoke songs! The driver even handed us a microphone, and we were away. Whitney houston eat your heart out. We made the driver take the long way so we could finish our aria's.

It was great. But what I reflected on the 6 hour train ride home was: friends are great. They make your life great. They keep things in perspective, keep you sane (or insane, which is far better). They're better than any drugs or medical attention. A real Tonic. And you never see them enough.

So, if you can get past all the cheesiness, I'm bloody lucky to know everyone I do. And they give me so much. In the words of a big maori rugby-player fulla I met on the weekend:

Chur cuz. See you afta.


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