Sunday, September 24, 2006

So everyone wants to be a psychologist...

not that i'm an expert or anything.
Went to Dundee open uni day on wednesday so the G could have a look about and see if he wanted to go back to college or something, who knows what goes on in that wee head of his. I tagged along because i was quite nosy and keen to have a day off in the middle of the week, oh and to 'support him' of course. ...
anyway, of the 3 schools that we went to look at, psychology was the most, well, suprising. it was the busiest, bursting with pretty young things and their mothers. Apart from the aforementioned beautiful people chatting to their mates on their mobiles, as i looked about the room i realised that psychology is awfully glam. kindof like physio is in the rehab world. Has it always been like this?? I won't bore you with the details of the presentation, but lets just say i was a tad disappointed with it. G did have to hold me back when one of the lecturers tried to explain visual perception. i know he was trying to explain a very complicated thing on a basic level, but man, he tried a bit hard to 'glam it up' and managed to confuse everyone instead of just trying to stick with what the fundamentals were. but i digress....
anyway, we also went along to the school of philosophy and the school of english. man they were great! The school of philosophy was far more realistic than the school of pyschology, and the english dept were excellent! a stereotypical nutty english professor talked for a good 1 and a bit hours answering one question. he was great.
and i realised that i missed out big time on my uni experience. i want to go back to uni, so i can get 2 lectures and 2 tutorials a week, and phaff about looking wind-swept and interesting with dark rimmed glasses, instead of my 8am starts with 2 lectures and 2 tutorials per day sometimes, stumbling through the door wearing whatever was on my floor when i woke up.

just waiting for that lotto ticket to come through (guess i'll have to buy one first) and i'll sign up to study philosophy, in barbados maybe......

anyway, continuing on the pyschology theme, watched parkinson last night (yes yes at home on saturday night, only because i've been way-laid with a cold. excellent, i get a cold on the weekend, so i can't even pull a sickey at work! ;( and he had trinny and susannah on, for those that don't know, are 'fashion guru's' who are suposed to tell you what to wear and not to wear, and if you wear what they suggest you will be happy for the rest of your life and no longer have any self esteem issues or relationship trouble. So Parkinson quite subtly made a point of questioning whether they have the appropriate skills and knowledge to deal with some of the issues that come up on their shows as they've just finished filming a show 'making over' couples, many of whom had 'troubled' marriages. They defended themselves by saying that they've been through shit relationships and stuff and as an outsider they could come in and say what many of their friends have been saying to them for ages and the 'troubled' couples would listen to them more, i.e. they were more cathartic than people who knew them better. ??? a little worrying! (so, everyone wants to be psychologists?)To which Helen mirren (who was also on) said ' no-body would tell me what to wear or not to wear, i'll wear whatever i bloody want to wear'. but of course, the piece de resistence, was when Dame Edna Everage came on (wearing a fabulous bright yellow and black sequined zebra pattern dress) and completely took the mick out of trinny and susannah. it was great to watch you have to see it if you can.
I want Dame Edna Everage to be my psychologist.

In other news, it's raining today. lots. A good day to be sick then. Guinness the cat has figured out that when she goes out she can jump back in the kitchen window. And if she miaows long enough, i will get up in the morning to feed her. She miaows in scottish too, rolls her rrrrr's. "rrrrrrrrrriow". A controversial book called 'the scots and the union' being released next month, claims that "many parlimentarians went willingly into the union between the poms and the scots in 1707, and the men who negotiated the union treaty should be celebrated rather than maligned as a shower of rogues, as other historians have described." when i get clever, i'll put the link into the newspaper that i just read this from into my blog.

ciao for now.

Friday, September 15, 2006

She is here....

well well well 3 holes in the ground, here I am, and as my Uncle Dick would say 'she is here, she has arrived.'
It was a collective agreement that took a lot of convincing on my part that a 'blog' would be the way to go instead of inflicting group emails on people's full email inbox's. (mainly because i didn't know what the hell a blog is! So living up to my nana rosa nickname once again).
So here you go! if you ever need to know if Rosa is alive, just check this site. And i'm going to be grammatically incorrect to my heart's content and rant and rave and say whatever i feel (censored by me), hopefully with what i've been up to (or not). So probably just meaningful to me, but hey, it'll be proof to myself that I haven't imagined a lot of the more surreal things that is life that I observe.

Let's start with life lately in Rosa world. Mainly consisting of FAR too much involvement/time spent at work/work-related. what's that all about? not much fun, that's what it's all about. I'm not going into it, mainly because it's friday night and I don't feel like it much. Let's just say I'm counting the days till me and the G head to South Africa for a hol (53 days), and for Mr G to finally meet a member of my family.
I also know I owe about 50 people personal emails, and i will get around to it.
I've decided the older i get, the more I realise I don't know much about the world, or myself. It was quite good being a teenager/young adult and thinking you knew it all. I've also been thinking a lot about the philosophy night classes i used to go to in Dublin. Which despite the title of philosophising about the world, were suprisingly simple. Life is simple; you've just gotta get on with it, eh. hard to put into action sometimes, i know. But i'm trying. So, for random thoughts on a humid friday night in an autumnal Dundee:

For wedding presents we'd both like: bongo drums, ukelele's, and I'd like an Alessi Kettle which costs 120 squid. That's all. i know, it has been mentioned to me that it should'nt cost 120 quid for a device that boils water. it's the ferrari of kettles i tell you! It suprises me how materialistic I am. But maybe it shouldn't suprise me so much.

I've been joined up to a gym for the past 6 weeks. it's great, especially the swimming, but i'm missing the hills. It still gives me a wee buzz every other day when i drive over the hill to descend into the perthshire valley to my workplace what an amazingly beauty part of the world i live in. I really need to get stuck into it.

The older i get, the more i miss my family. I' m just 'coming out' of a particularly bad spell of homesickness for family. however, if homesickness is the greatest of my worries, i'm pretty lucky.

This weekend is looking pretty good. Tomorrow we get to go to an 'open door' event happening in dundee, so we're getting tours round a mosque 'doon the toon', and the restored victorian pavillion at baxter park where we're hoping to get hitched in. baxter park is just round the corner from our flat. and then, the highlight of the year: THE BLACK SEEDS ARE PLAYING IN DUNDEE!!!!!!!! V excited. They played around this time last year, and yeah, me and Barney (the lead singer of the legendary wellington band) are on first name basis. I'm sure he'll remember me. probably why they came back to dundee (yes it's late friday night, delirium sets in). The last gig i went to was in edinburgh's usher hall in July, which is a fantastic venue, saw Seu Jorge and amazing support bands. (Seu Jorge is the brazilian dude who sang David Bowie songs in 'life aquatic' movie, but that's not his best work, believe me). That night i was extremely fatigued so couldn't completly participate(i.e dance, just stood at the side tapping my foot, how boring) in what was an amazing show, but that's when i decided i wanted to learn to play the ukelele.
One day i'll be artistic/creative. One day.

must away, pots of tea to drink and lots of sleep to have.
till next time


PS for those just entering into my world, Mr G is Garry, who i'm getting hitched to. yes! as they say in the aussie just juice ad: "hard to believe". a mad scotsman, who used to be a chain-smoking mad scotsman, but he's calmed down a bit now. still mad. still wears orange trousers though. He fit right in in Amsterdam.