Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Can I just say...

That my stupid, girley, teenage crush on Johnny Depp has never subsided.

Went to see Pirates of the Carribean:3 at the movies last week.

my god, those eyes!!!

and of course he's a brilliant actor. saved the movie really.

Monday, June 11, 2007

You know when you've been in a place too long....

When you go to a wedding reception and your local pub landlord and his wife are also there and make you dance with them and won't let you leave. eeek!

Yep, time to leave dundee soon!

Pretty full-on weekend, went to aforementioned local pub friday night for well-deserved drink after hectic week. great chats with Mr G, home to episodes of Kath&Kim. 'you know your beeswax? why don't you mind it?' before the very regular occurence of Rosa falling asleep on the sofa.

Saturday 'dotting aboot the toon' as the G says, doin' stuff for the bloody wedding (can it end now please?). met up with couple of G's mates, for more of a blether before retreating up the road deciding that we couldn't be bothered going to wedding reception.
chipper splashed out for dinner cos we knew we were'nt going wedding receptioning, then sudden attack of guilt at 8pm after the 2nd Peter Kay Phoenix Nights episode, slapped on some war paint and a dress (yes G looks pretty good in a mini-dress :) and nipped down 'for a quick look-in, and dropping off the present'. 4 hours later after meeting up with publican landlord, talking shite intermittently with talking in Kath&Kim quotes with Australian guests of the wedding, dropped off back to the local by good mate to 'the balmore after 10'. A very different place. my word. The balmore after 10. Not for the faint-hearted. Great for professional people-watchers, such as myself. experience needed tho not to get caught and therefore discovered as 'not a local'.

Sunday: wasted. just as well it was crap weather.
It's warming up tho. hooray!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Rosa's extra special weather report and 'filems' review

well exciting this will be for all 2 of you that read this, as the title reads; earth-shattering hold-your-breath stuff today...well it is a lazy sunday after all.

And I would be hill-walking today, but for the lovely summer weather that has introduced summer in Scotland: rain, rain, fog, fog and more fog (or har as they say here). Well, you do live next to the north sea MR G says, so serves me right I guess. But the fog makes a welcome change to continous rain for the last week in May. It's nice and humid too. Very strange. As one of my patients said to me on Friday 'well, scotland does only get 2 months of summer; june and july'. cheers. really lifted me up.

onto the movies (also called filems here in scotland, as they do in ireland). Being a recipient of the scheme; 'love film' where for a monthly fee instead of only bills dropping through the letterbox you also get DVD's regularly, considering that TV is a waste of resources and electricity lately, you get stuff that you really really want, including all those cool old black&white movies and great comedy series, like KATH & KIM!!!! This has fuelled both me and Mr G's obsession with Kath's wedding and Sharon's future netballing injuries. A great Australian comedy series with great aussie humour where only the aussies can point and laugh at themselves the best. We are considering having a Kath&Kim themed wedding, following on from Kath's preparation 'oh Kimmee I've got so much to do re: the wedding'. it's great.
Then just this week we watched 'Little Miss Sunshine' which I've wanted to watch for ages. My god what a brilliant film. Great casting, great acting, great characters and great plot. Just watch it, if you haven't already.
We also saw 'wah-wah', for all you Richard E Grant fans (myself a big one) on new years eve actually (before driving up to Stonehaven for hogmanay to watch the fireball ceremony, but that's another story and probably one already told). T'was a bit freaky to know as we watched wah-wah, Richards autobiography of his childhood in Swaziland, my bro and sister-in-law were in swaziland for new years. hah! anyway, i digress, Wah-wah is also bloody fantastic, well cast and acted etc etc. Just watch it no. 2.
Black&whites: the african queen (which ma will laugh at me for!) was fantastic, as was 'the big sleep'. Watched chinatown with a very young Jack Nicholson, brilliant and was ashamed i'd never heard of it before (the shame the shame).
and all the Peter Kay DVD's! priceless.
I've turned into one of those annoying people who just have their conversation as a mish-mash of different catch-phrases from comedy series/movies.

oh that's nice, it's different, it's unusual.

sorry. better go. It's children of men tonight :)
next time will be better i promise!