Sunday, October 21, 2007

nowt stranger than folk....

well well well....(3 holes in the ground as my mate Kev from the lab used to say. Bless you Kevin, wherever you are!)

16th October 2007 I meant to blog as a conscientious blogger should, but me being neither conscientious, nor a blogger, this didn't happen. No disappointment then hey?

16th October 2007 and I've been away from enzed 5 years. Phewee bro. Imagine that!

That's the thing. I would never have imagined it. Little did I know 5 years ago that I would be living in a wee tenement flat in Dundee, Scotland; shacked up with some strange dundonian bloke,hell, even married to this strange scottish bloke (or married to anyone for that matter), after living in Dublin for 2 years, wandering around a bit, climbing the highest hill in Africa, climbing hills in the republic of Ireland, staying at the most bombed hotel in europe for easter with a mad but very special Australian, going to my brothers wedding in South Africa, meeting my oldest and bestest mate in northern italy for great coffee, meeting up with old mates in Nice and swanning about monaco in shorts, just to name a few great memories in the 5 years past since departing on a 26 hour flight from Auckland to Dublin on 15 Oct 2002.

Life is great hey.....

I do like the fact you can't see what's around the corner. Yes bad stuff has gone down but hey, I don't think I would've signed up to half of the stuff if it hadn't of just happened.

Must go, stop looking through those rose-coloured glasses and check the pumpkin soup. I must admit I'm still struggling that the only time you can make pumpkin soup in Europe is when it's Halloween. It's just wrong. But when I get my allotment, that'll all change! There'll be pumpkin soup in spring, dammit! just you wait!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Thoughts from a disqualified colonial.....

yes well we all know that it's been far too long between drinks for me writing this blog.
sorry chaps. life has got in the way a bit. will slowly plough away at writing re: the wedding and so forth......

Every ting i've learnt has been from random nonegenerians....

So said aforementioned nonegenerian to me on friday (see opening title). She 's been a prisoner in the 'jap camps' in the first world war, speaks frightfully well, and says her only mistake in life has been to outlive everyone, especially her precious husband...first question when finding out I too was a 'disqualified colonial' was 'what the bloody hell are you doing in this god-awful place then eh what?'. I explain I had the (mis)fortune of meeting a bloody scot and look where it got me. Her deep blue eyes twinkled and face creased into long-established laugh lines. 'yes, happens to the best of us.' Next question: 'do you get homesick?' and I didn't even have to explain the sentence "it comes and it goes". She merely nodded and deep eyes again revealed all understanding.

So today was a cracker autumnal day. crisp. golden. sun warming your face. wander through baxter park. read. occasionally getting hugs from passing puppy's. people-watch.

Life is good.
